Andrew Gristey

Music Visualization: albumgallery

So Much Content, So Little Time

Github link

First new project in a while

For the most of 2022, I’ve been in a rut, which bled into my work, which lead me to making the decision to take a leave of absense to rediscover myself. Been learning new skills and taking in new hobbies, which lead me to execute on this program idea I’ve been thinking about on and off. The inspiration came about of an idea from a friend telling me about decore on her wall to include her favorite albums in a collage.

With that, I decided that I’m gonna learn to program in Rust to create this program, the link to the repo will be here and on my homepage. Feel free to enter pull request if they’re improvements that can be made.

What I learned?

Rust is darn fun to work in, took a bit to get used to, but looking into the documentation and read some tips from the Zero2Prod rust book.

There was also a couple of things I had to figure out on my own, like figuring out how the various color codes like RGB, hex-color, HSV, etc. interchanged between one other. Also, effective ways of sorting by color which lead to finding a dominant color in an image file.

Also other stuff you need to think about as far as performance optimizations like caching your own data including the results of the dominant color for each image that came up.

What I still need to do

Examples of Output
